Inverclyde Budget Consultation – Your Say – Drop In Tuesday 16 January 2018

Inverclyde Council could have an estimated funding gap of £10.2m by 2019/20 unless it finds ways of reducing expenditure and increasing revenues before then.  They have a budget consultation that runs from 15 January until 11 February 2018 and are seeking the views of residents, the business community and anyone else with an interest in Inverclyde on balancing the council budget.
The council has set out forty areas of suggested budget cuts and increases to charges totalling over £8m and is asking people as part of the consultation to identify up to £5m of their preferred options.  The community can have their say online through the budget simulator at  where the budget options are outlined.
Inverclyde Council are hosting a ‘drop in’ event between 4pm and 8pm in the Kimacolm Community Centre on Tuesday 16 January where more information will be available and the opportunity to express comments.
The Kilmacolm Community Council will discuss, with the participation of the community, the suggested options at their meeting on January 30 2018 and will frame a formal response to Inverclyde Council.   Members of the community are encouraged to attend this and any other meeting of the Kilmacolm Community Council.